2008 NIChE workshop - Carbon Capture and Sequestration
SESSION 1 - Overview of the technical, economic, and political landscape
Jim Dooley - Joint Global Change Research Institute (U-Md and PNNL) Overview of Selected Issues Associated with the Potential for Large Scale Commercial Deployment of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Technologies
Ken Ostrowski - McKinsey and Co and Anton Derkach (co-speaker) - McKinsey and Co Reducing US GHG Emissions – how much and at what cost?
Dan Connell CONSOL Energy R&D An Assessment of Candidate Technologies for Capturing Carbon Dioxide from Large Point Sources
SESSION 2 - Capture
Winston Ho - The Ohio State University Carbon Dioxide-Selective Membranes and Carbon Capture
Joan Brennecke - University of Notre Dame The Future of Carbon Dioxide Capture with Absorbents
Robert Quinn - Air Products Carbon Dioxide Capture by Adsorption: Traditional and Nontraditional Approaches
SESSION 3 - Sequestration
Richard Doctor - Argonne Nat’l Lab Carbon Dioxide Capture, Transport and Sequestration
Pete McGrail - Pacific Northwest Nat’l Lab Integrated Sequestration System Design: An Emerging Discipline for Low-Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants
Alan Brown - Schlumberger Reservoir Characterization for CO2 Storage – What is Old is New Again!
SESSION 4 – Summary and path forward
George Guthrie - Nat’l Energy Technology Lab Science-Based Risk Assessment for Geologic Storage of CO2